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What do you say about the person who no matter what has stood by you? No matter how hurt, how mad, how disappointed they may get they never leave your side. Through everything they build you up as if it is their purpose their job. People have tried to come between us, people have used our bond as a guise to walk out of our lives. People have blamed one side or the other for the loss of one of us. So much shit has happened but lets go to the facts, you met me at my lowest and it was like we had known each other our whole lives. I never had to hide any part of me from you EVER! The same in reverse is true. The facts are we except each other 1005 every flaw every nick in our heart. You build me up into something greater then myself. I can not say that you are souly to blame for it but I can say you fight to build me up high and keep me there. You frustrate me, you aggravate me sometimes, and we do not agree 100% of the time. This is life. What we don't agree on we work through! I would be a liar if I didn't say you scare the fuck out of me. You make me feel and see and do things that are not natural to me. Things I can fake sometimes or try to say I understand fully or things that few others have ever got a whiff from me, like jealousy. You make me feel beautiful real life beautiful. you make me squirrely and girly and hell yes I have avoided you because its intimidating. The thought of loosing you freaks me the fuck out so I do tend to push away. I wont say you haven't either but never have we fully stopped talking or caring. In all out honesty I don't know what I would do if I lost you and in truth I almost did, it was my fault and I cant change that. I have had my moments where I get in my head, I have had times where I feel like I am more trouble then I am worth, you do everything in your power to stop the senselessness of myself, my own imagination. You understand me in ways I often don't understand myself. You understand that I still love others, even the ones who have walked out of my life, You understand love is not a light switch and also that love is not always dedicated to one person. You understand my free spirited foxy nature and accept me for me. These emotions I can't label or explain. You started as my bubba ad hell sometimes I still call you such. Then it grew and I fought so hard to deny it so hard to say the feelings were not there. You became more then my friend and a passing lover, your breached my king with ease and landed as my mate. My other half I didn't know I was missing. No one can understand us, hell honestly I don't think we do. I know that my love for you isn't defined in labels or dictionaries, I do know I can't express it and how deep it runs. I cant always admit that when you message me I turn bright red or how I wait for a response. You have me not only sl but rl. You have held me in both worlds and I would be lost with out you. I love you Mi amour. You will always be my mate, love and lover. 

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